WLC: Team BFF's Performance Level

Ah, the Performance Level.  WLC highest level of nutritional play.  It is the most restrictive but if you can play, it will provide you with results.  Almost every decision on this level has been made to exclude foods that have been known to cause an inflammatory response in the body. It very closely mimics the recommendations of Paleo and Whole 30 if you are familiar with those. Here is your overview:
As Performance Omni and Performance Veg are very different so there will be a separate post for our vegetarians and vegans.  And just like with the previous overviews, this discussion applies to the January 2018 WLC round.

What CAN you eat without a point deduction:
-- Meat and eggs. 
-- Bacon as long as its sugar and nitrate free.
-- Deli meats containing ONLY meat, seasoning and water.
-- Vegetables except for legumes, taro, corn, white potatoes, yucca.
-- Fruit except for dried fruit with sugar
-- Nuts except for peanut butter
-- Stevia and monkfruit
-- Butter
-- Non-industrialized and non-hydrogenated oils (coconut, oil, avocado, flaxseed, etc)
-- Baked sweet potato fries and chips
-- Baked vegetable chips

What you CAN NOT eat without :
-- Bacon containing sugar
-- Soy (all including tofu and edamame)
-- Legumes (all including peanuts)
-- The following vegetables: white potatoes, taro, and yucca
-- Grains (all grains including but not limited to wheat, rice, quinoa, corn, etc)
-- Dairy 
-- Hydrogenated and Industrial oils (soy, corn, peanut, canola, palm, saffron, sunflower, etc)
-- Alcohol
-- All sweeteners but stevia and monkfruit
-- Additives including MSG, tapioca starch, xanthum gum, guar gum, etc.

Performance Level FAQ
Be sure to read the FAQs for Kickstarter and Lifestyle Levels.  Kickstarter questions #2 and 5 and Lifestyle #2 and 3 are applicable to the Performance Level. 

1)  I have a business lunch at XYZ restaurant.  What do I order?  Eating out is where Performance gets difficult.  You need to ask a lot of questions.  You will need to ask if marinades, salad dressings, etc contain sugar, soy, industrial oils, etc and you will want to confirm what cooking oil is used.  It is often best to look at menus ahead of time and determine what options you may have.  You could then call beforehand and ask your questions.  Most likely your best option will be to order a chicken breast or steak grilled with only salt and pepper and a side veggie steamed.  

2) Additives?  Guam gum, xanthum gum and more?  And why are these in everything?  It won't take long for those playing on the Performance level to figure out that that things they thought were compliant (nut milks, coconut milks, etc) are not due to the additives added.  Many commercially available brands of seemly compliant foods will have these additives.  You will need to read labels of everything while you are figuring this out.  And if you can't find a compliant brand, you will likely need to make your own from scratch.  Thankfully, many have come before us and the web is full of recipes and helpful hints.


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