Mediation? Me? No way? Well, maybe...

Way back in November, a fellow Team SFQ and Team HPB teammate, Mary, post about a 21-day mediation challenge that Jess and Goldlyn were leading.  Mary had attended a clinic with Jess a few weeks before and she had posted about her experience on her blog and I was intrigued. 

My prior experiences and views on mediation were not favorable.  I thought it was all hocus pocus or as  the boy refers to it "voodoo magic".  While meditation or mindful breathing would periodically show up as a lifestyle practice during the Whole Life Challenge (WLC), I would mock the entire practice and never really fully try to focus on my breath while I listened to a 10-minute guided mediation.  All I cared about was being able to say I mediated for 10 minutes so I could get my points.  The 7 days would go by and my mediation "practice" (along with all of the associated whining about having to mediated) would be done until it was forced upon me again by WLC. 

So what about Mary's post made me jump up and say "I should definitely pay someone $21 for 21 days of something I know I hate?".  I am not exactly sure.  It could have been that it wasn't a huge financial commitment.  Or maybe the idea that being with other newbies would be a comfortable space for me to explore the idea of mediation?  Or maybe it was because I was thinking about some serious, push my limit goals for 2018 and having another tool in the toolbox couldn't hurt?  Or it could have been just because it was something I thought I hated.  Either way, I paid my $21 and waited for the challenge to begin on Nov. 27.

The 21-day Mindful Living for the Modern World Challenge (and its subsequent versions) was based around a FB group.  Just about each day Jess and/or Goldyn posts something to think about and consider - mindful breathing, mindful eating, the science behind mediation, etc. And 2-3 times a week we got a FB live (which are saved so that you can view when you can). These were 30-40 minutes long and include a 10ish minute guided mediation. We also had access to the group to post questions, frustrations, successes, etc. Everyone was super friendly and supportive. Sometimes other group members post guided mediation for you to enjoy which I really enjoyed (Thanks Mike!!).

Both Jess and Goldyn have bios on their websites but here is my take of them. They compliment each other well with leading this group. Jess presents her thoughts from a place that I relate to. Its is more day to day practical.  Goldyn presents on things that some (including myself at times) would feel are more "out there" - quantum leap, quantum physics, chakras, energy releases. Her talks are fascinating but I definitely need to be open minded when listening to them (which I guess is the whole point).

Since Day 1, I fully committed to site.  I let all of my assumptions about mediation go and went in with an open mind.  And I am so glad that I did.  I won't say that it was an easy start as my mind wondered all over the place and I am pretty sure I counted the seconds till the 10 min time would go off.  But the more I sat, the easier it got.  And the more I looked forward to my daily mediation practice.  My mind got quieter.   At the end of the first 21-days, a second 21-day challenge was offered and then a third.  And each time I quickly registered for the next round. 

Today we are about 46 day since the start of the first challenge and I felt my mediation practice leaking over into other parts of my life.  Things that would have sent me off on a rampage make my chuckle and I deal with it and move on. I have drastically reduced the drama and negativity in my life and am not allow the drama of others to bring me down. I have found a new enthusiasm for my workouts and triathlon goals. I am living a much more peaceful and happy life. I know I still have a long was to go but I am excited about the journey.  And for now, I will continue to commit to sit each day (even when the boy calls it voodoo magic).


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