
Showing posts from October, 2017

Is it worth it to go to jail to complete a workout......

This past Saturday I was supposed to complete my final long open water swim of 8 miles prior to "To the bridge and back".  So around 9am I gathered my wetsuit, body glide and nutrition and headed to Ohio Street Beach.  While getting a late start is never ideal for Lake Michigan conditions (as it usually gets waver the later in the day it gets), I wanted to wait for the sun to come up since its been getting cool at night.  On my walk from the car to the beach, I saw the following: A man in a puffy coat with a toque A women in a knee length Northface jacket and Uggs Several people in gloves and winter hats Many people shivering in hoodies (with the hoods up) So in other words, while I was going to swim, the rest of Chicago was hunkering down for winter. I arrived at the beach to find less than ideal conditions.  The waves were rolling in and the swells were crashing above the seawall and onto the running path.  And there was no other swimmers to be found.  However,